Extension Orientation, Onboarding, and Mentorship
Providing resources that enable Extension Professionals to become acquainted with their profession and their colleagues helps new staff members to succeed in their roles, while enhancing their job performance and job satisfaction. As a result, longer retention within Extension is expected. In this section of the Professional Development Inventory, we are sharing resources that can be used for Orientation of new professionals; providing them with a series of Onboarding experiences; and equipping professional Mentors with resources to help the new staff members succeed in their orientation and onboarding.
New Educator Orientation is provided to new Purdue Extension Educators as a two-day, on-campus experience.
Purdue orientation.pdf
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Iowa State University Extension and Outreach staff members can participate in the Mentoring Program. The Mentoring Development Program was created in 2016 and provides opportunity for staff with three or more years of experience with ISU Extension and Outreach or local county extension offices to assist new employees in understanding and navigating the organization during the first year in their positions. The program was specifically designed to equip these staff members with strategies and resources to foster effective mentor-mentee relationships as well as support and foster a sense of belonging. The goal is to experience strengthened morale, support a positive ISU Extension and Outreach organizational culture, experience a network of developmental support, strengthen professional compe
Iowa Orientation.pdf
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Agents complete a Canvas course throughout their first year on the job, with most tasks and learning modules to be completed within the first 12 weeks. They have a virtual orientation within the first two months, and do a one-week in-person orientation within 6 months of hire.
KSU Orientation.pdf
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MSU Extension Mentoring Program: We provided a year-long mentoring program for new staff. They are provided with a mentoring guide, matched by a mentor coordinator and fill out surveys after 2, 6, and 12 months
Michigan Orientation1.pdf
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New Staff Orientation -- Asynchronous onboarding materials
Michigan Orientation2.pdf
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Essential Employee Training -- Asynchronous onboarding materials
All new employees are enrolled in this course automatically, and are expected to take it in the first 3-4 months of employment. Continuing employees will also find many of the topics useful and are encouraged to complete appropriate modules as well.
Michigan Orientation3.pdf
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MU Extension’s New Employee Orientation includes information on MU Extension’s history, land-grant mission, organization, and other Extensionspecific resources and information that benefit new employees. MU Extension’s New Employee Welcome Event is the next step in our onboarding process and is intended to provide new employees with professional development and networking opportunities to help them succeed in their new roles.
Missouri Orientation.pdf
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Mentoring at Mizzou is a professional development opportunity for Mizzou faculty and staff who mentor graduate students, postdocs, and/or faculty. The program uses Entering Mentoring curricula developed by the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research. This professional development uses an evidence-based, interactive approach designed to help mentors develop skills for engaging in productive, culturally responsive, research mentoring relationships – relationships that optimize the success of both mentor and mentees. I am also responsible for developing the https://mentoring.extension.org/ website in partnership with the Extension Foundation. This platform will support everyone in finding discipline-specific, skill-specific, and responsive mentorship within and across
Missouri Orientation (3).pdf
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The first of three courses spanning faculty's first year, Introduction to University of Extension guides new NTT faculty through their initial month with MU Extension. The first module guides you through initial MU and MU Extension orientations, HR processes to complete, MU Required compliance trainings, ID cards, parking permits, workplace accommodations, code of conduct, time reporting, benefits and more. The second module provides access to essential trainings and resources vital for your role. These include Outlook, Zoom, Teams, Extension risk and emergency management, branding and identity guidelines and digital accessibility for email, documents and files. Module 3 Introduction to the Land-Grant University, Cooperative Extension System & MU Extension delves into the historical backdr
Missouri Orientation1.pdf
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North Dakota State University Agriculture Mentorship Program - This mentor program is designed for all faculty (teaching and research faculty, research scientists, Extension agents, and Extension specialists). This is a 12-month program that matches new faculty with faculty who have been in the organization at least 3 years. Objectives for the mentorship program include career development, networking, and employee recruitment and retention.
ND Orientation1.pdf
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DSU Extension Onboarding - This online, asynchronous course designed for new staff to learn more about NDSU Extension and their responsibilities. The course requires staff to complete assignments during the first three months of employment. Topics include: * Welcome to NDSU Extension *Learning About Extension * Extension Toolbox There are separate paths for agents, specialists and support staff. Currently, only the agent content has been built. These topics include: * Learning About Your Community * Building Your Program * PEARS
ND Orientation2.pdf
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