NCCEA Banner Outcomes
Evaluation and reporting has been an important topic of many of our fall NCCEA meetings dating back to 2005. More recently (since 2010) the North Central Region has focused on Banner Outcome concepts that are used to describe our priorities for multistate reporting. This approach has been important to our region because it has focused additional attention on how to improve the sharing of program impacts among our states. A purpose for engaging in a dialog around Banner Outcomes has been to enhance our state reporting systems in ways that will improve the usefulness of the information collected by a state, and also expand our ability to offer statements about multistate impacts of high profile efforts that our NCR states have in common.
Banner Outcomes by themselves are not impact indicators. Rather, Banner Outcomes are thematic clusters of impacts that help us tell broadly-based messages about the quality and value of Extension
During the past three years ad hoc groups have been formed around themes/clusters, which we refer to as our NCR Banner Outcomes. Those ad hoc groups, composed of program leaders and evaluators, have
sought additional feedback from the program areas as they refined and prioritized indicators represented by a Banner, as seen in the files below.
Discussion Guide
Adobe Acrobat document [173.7 KB]
Program Area Banners
Banner - Health And Physical Wellbeing -[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [120.9 KB]
Banner - Health And Physical Wellbeing -[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [123.2 KB]
Banner - Health And Physical Wellbeing -[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [117.3 KB]