Analysis of the Value of Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Extension in the North Central Region
Cooperative Extension Works to Improve Individual Health
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Description of Battelle Study: Purpose and Contents
While the United States provides its people with many opportunities, and represents the largest and most diverse economy among nations, there is no hiding the fact that it is also a country where tens of millions of residents face significant problems and challenges. Over 45 million Americans presently live in poverty, and U.S. life expectancy is just 42nd among all nations. Almost 79 million Americans are obese, and more than 117 million residents have one or more chronic health conditions. Over 87 million in the nation are worried about having enough money each month to pay their regular monthly bills, and 17.6 million U.S. households are food insecure. We have the highest incarceration rate of any nation, and, if presented with this report, more than 32 million adult Americans would be unable to read it because they are illiterate. We can, and should, do better. Extension FCS programs are well positioned to contribute to improved health and well-being of citizens in every state, thus meeting the challenge to 'do for health and wellness education in the next century, what extension agriculture has done for production ag in the past 100 years'. In the U.S., the academic discipline that focuses on a holistic approach for the development of fact-based, research-driven educational programs to improve well-being is Family & Consumer Sciences.
This report provides an overview of the primary disciplinary content within Family & Consumer Sciences, and describes the impact this content has through the delivery of educational programming via the work of Cooperative Extension in the North Central Region. It also discusses those aspects of Family & Consumer Sciences Extension that make it particularly effective, and that differentiate it from other organizations working to improve the nation's health and well-being. Key findings, challenges, and opportunities are presented.
For a copy of the full report (all 129) pages contact NCCEA Executive Director Robin Shepard: (608) 890-2688 or email [].
Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS): The Discipline
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Presentations and Other Related Documents
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