Opportunities for Strengthening Tribal Extension Programming Seminar Series

A series of bimonthly seminars explore opportunities for strengthening Tribal Extension programming and making it more impactful. The initial seminar will examine the fundamentals of partnerships among Land Grant Institutions (1994s, 1862s, and 1890s). Other seminars may address topics such as: partnerships with the audience, effective communications, understanding audience needs, effective program planning, program evaluation, and many other subjects.


August 20, 2024

Dr. Annie Jones, an enrolled member of the Menominee Nation and also a professor in organizational development and Tribal Nations with UW-Madison’s Division of Extension, leads a discussion about partnership in the context of the medicine wheel.

Webinar recording


November 19, 2024

Dr. LaJoy Spears, of New Mexico State University, presents and discusses "Understanding and Addressing Tribal Community Needs for Program Success". This webinar covers:

1. Conducting a needs assessment to identify participants' challenges

2. Sharing best practices for culturally responsive needs assessments

3. Helping align community needs with FRTEP prirorities

Webinar recording